Every time when pharmaceutical industries decide on tablet machines, they have to focus on certain facts like cost, final output and quality of tablets. The dust accumulation during tablet manufacturing is common problem in India and manufacturers need to strict action against it to overcome the issue.
Indian pharmaceutical industries have reached to maximum potential in last few years and now we are able to compete with most reputed international drug manufacturers based on various tablet machines, capsule filling machines, liquid filling machines etc. But still pharmaceutical companies have to fight with daily manufacturing problems that are difficult to handle if not treated properly.
The few common problems faced by Indian manufacturers are poor infrastructure, lack of research, technology advancements etc. This is the reason it is creating gap and we are not able to succeed to that level as it is expected. The best solution is to work on all of these areas seriously so that most efficient results can be assured at the end.
Indian pharmaceutical industries have reached to maximum potential in last few years and now we are able to compete with most reputed international drug manufacturers based on various tablet machines, capsule filling machines, liquid filling machines etc. But still pharmaceutical companies have to fight with daily manufacturing problems that are difficult to handle if not treated properly.
The few common problems faced by Indian manufacturers are poor infrastructure, lack of research, technology advancements etc. This is the reason it is creating gap and we are not able to succeed to that level as it is expected. The best solution is to work on all of these areas seriously so that most efficient results can be assured at the end.
Government is also making maximum efforts to take drug manufacturing industries ahead. They have planned attractive incentives to attract plenty of manufacturers to design and develop tablet machines and more products similar to this. Next problem is stainless steel outer layer for pharmaceutical tablet machines.
We still use traditional stainless steel material that is completely backward and traditional style of manufacturing tableting machines. It does not matter how much innovative the product configuration is, it always demands for wonderful product structure and function where stainless steel material fails.
Next common problem that is faced by pharmaceutical manufacturers and suppliers is improper control of powder and granules. In case, powder flow is not controlled properly then it may result into manufacturing of poor tablets that will spoil your reputation completely.
We still use traditional stainless steel material that is completely backward and traditional style of manufacturing tableting machines. It does not matter how much innovative the product configuration is, it always demands for wonderful product structure and function where stainless steel material fails.
Next common problem that is faced by pharmaceutical manufacturers and suppliers is improper control of powder and granules. In case, powder flow is not controlled properly then it may result into manufacturing of poor tablets that will spoil your reputation completely.